Saturday, October 27, 2012

Windows 8

Here we have a review from Piaw Na's blog about his experiences upgrading to Windows 8 for only $40:

All in all, for $40, I feel like it's a decent deal. I wouldn't pay full price for the upgrade, especially if you don't have touch on your desktop. I wouldn't go out of my way to do an upgrade (I did, but I was also curious about the new UI), but it's nothing to run away from either. I certainly don't see it as the disaster some pundits have been saying. Mildly recommended."

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I wouldn't call 2011 a banner year in terms of personal growth and accomplishment, however:
  • No one in my immediate family died, which was a big improvement over 2010
  • Being between full-time jobs for a while turned out to be a win for me both personally (less stress) and financially (consulting engagements and a higher salary upon returning to conventional employment)
  • I didn't get to drive to Mongolia but I did take a vacation to Europe
  • For the first time since I moved out of my parents' house, I did not have to travel for either of Thanksgiving or Christmas
All in all, not a bad year but one that certainly fell well short of excellence.